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Media Kit

Would you like to interview me on your podcast?

I enjoy speaking about relationships, people-pleasing, boundaries, codependency and perfectionism.

Suggested topics

  • How to Release People-Pleasing and Speak Your Truth
  • How to Heal a Codependent Relationship
  • How to Soothe Your Inner Critic and Love Yourself
  • 3 Surprising Downsides of Being a Perfectionist
  • 3 Common Success Blocks for Recovering People-Pleasers

*All topics can include a 15- to 20-minute EFT demo with the host or a volunteer.

Suggested questions

  • What inspired you to support women with people-pleasing?
  • Why is it so hard to set boundaries and speak our truth?
  • How can we start saying yes to ourselves?
  • What are the signs of codependency?
  • How did you transform your toxic relationship?
  • Why do positive affirmations fail to calm our inner critic?
  • What’s your biggest lesson about being a former perfectionist?
  • How can people-pleasers create more success and ease?


Short version

(34 words, 222 characters)

Annie Moussu is a certified EFT Tapping Master Practitioner and host of the Hush Your Mind podcast. She offers EFT sessions online to help women set empowered boundaries and enjoy healthy relationships at

Medium version

(81 words, 527 characters)

Annie Moussu is a certified EFT Tapping Master Practitioner and host of the Hush Your Mind podcast.

She helps women build confidence, set empowered boundaries and enjoy healthy relationships. Her struggles with people-pleasing and perfectionism spurred her inner growth journey.

Originally from California and now living in France, Annie offers EFT sessions online to help others speak their truth and come home to themselves.

You can find Annie on Insight Timer and her podcast. Or discover her blog articles at

Long version

(120 words, 820 characters)

Annie Moussu is a certified EFT Tapping Master Practitioner and host of the Hush Your Mind podcast.

She helps women build confidence, set empowered boundaries and enjoy healthy relationships. Her struggles with people-pleasing and perfectionism spurred her inner journey.

Growing up with an overcritical parent led to several codependent relationships, including her tumultuous marriage. Annie and her husband devoted themselves for over a decade to healing their trauma and loving courageously. Today, they enjoy a healthy, thriving relationship.

Originally from California and now living in France, Annie is passionate about helping women navigate relationships and reclaim their power through her EFT sessions online.

You can find Annie on Insight Timer and her podcast. Or discover her blog articles at


(Right-click to download photos.)



My Podcast